Our Business Nature
We are a design built company, which means we provide professional design, as well
as perform the role of a main contractor. For project of Substantial amount, We would
act as an independent designer to handle the design and project management job.
Complimentary Services
We would help you in the pre-planning stage by estimating the actual space require and take measurement of the various proposed premises for evaluation.
Having studied your requirements in greater details, we would draw up a block plan; identifying the location of functions, special equipment support functions, access points and areas demanding additional servicing
Sketch layout plans will be drawn up and upon confirmation a final layout plan with specification of fitting out work required will be submitted to you.
An itemized quotation will be prepared for discussion and price comparison (for projects we act as the main contractor)
Cost Savings
- We would provide you complimentary pre-planning services, design services and quotation
- Since we employ out own workers, we enjoy the economy of scale and superior cost structure that other contractors do not have.
- As we oversee the overall construction process, you would save substantial time cost. We would provide you complimentary pre-services and quotation.
An office fitting out project is complicated and requires details and systematic planning. It is necessary to get professional advice and consultation in order to be successful. We are ready to participate with you at the vary early stage to ensure your success.